Hydrating Shampoo For Dry & Fragile Hair Camellia & Geranium (300x Washes - 1 Year Supply)

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Revive and replenish dry hair with our Hydrating Shampoo, leaving it silky, shiny, & bouncy.

plant 1 tree
Plastic-Free Packaging:


• 适用于所有类型和质地的干燥、脆弱和受损头发。
• 适合染色、烫发和漂染过的头发。
• 适用于3岁及以上各个年龄段的人士。

♻️ 100%可重复使用、可加满和可回收的铝制瓶
✅ 可堆肥的纸质补充袋,用于加满瓶子
💡 防漏螺纹盖设计,可适量分配粉末
🌳 我们每销售一个产品就种植一棵树
🧴 每个产品可以减少2-10个塑料瓶进入填埋场
💧 每个产品可以节省2-10升清洁水资源

🌺 山茶籽油,滋润和保护
🥜 塔马努油,深度恢复水分
🫒 软橄榄™️,补充和修护
🌷 天竺葵精油,柔顺秀发并增添光泽

Customer Reviews

Based on 35 reviews

Leaves my hair feeling so hydrated and smooth.

Nancy Darke (Birmingham, GB)
Surprisingly wonderful

Bought out of curiosity mainly, this shampoo has turned out to be really good. My hair is normally dry and my scalp is very sensitive and prone to psoriasis. This is soothing and smells beautiful. I don’t even need conditioner every time and it stays good for much longer than with most shampoos. As I have an energy restrictive chronic pain condition, that is much appreciated!

Sue Mackie (Adelaide, AU)
Amazing shampoo

This shampoo lathers well and is so good on my hair. My hair has been getting dryer as I’m getting older and greying and very dull. Right from the first wash I noticed a huge change in my hair. Now I have soft no frizz hair and it is shiny again. I hope you do a conditioner soon as I really don’t like having to use a liquid shop bought one.

Kam Yee Leung (Witham, GB)
Scalp condtion: Dry scalp
Hair type: Dry , Frizzy
Experience: Hair feels smooth & hydrated, Scalp feels fresh & less oily

The Best Plastic Free Shampoo

Charlotte S (Havant, GB)
I love this!

This is amazing. My hair feels clean and hydrated. I was testing this for an overseas trip and will definitely be taking it with me.

We’re confident it’ll be the perfect travel companion—effective, lightweight, and hassle-free. Wishing you safe travels and amazing hair days wherever you go! ✈️✨

Key Ingredients

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